Non le féminisme n'est pas une fabrication du capitalisme athé !

Un thème anti-féministe est de prétendre qu'il serait une fabrication des méchants capitalistes pour détruire la famille et toute opposition à la marchandisation du monde et à leur prise de pouvoir. C'est faux.
Le féminisme est la réaction à des abus de pouvoir masculins reposant sur une organisation sociale et une idéologie prétendant les justifier.
La première auteure féministe est sans doute Christine de Pisan. Elle fut historienne, poétesse, passionnément amoureuse de son mari et mère.  Au XIXeme Joséphine Butler dénonce les bordels de petites filles, en tant que protestante. etc etc
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Christine de Pisan

Christine de Pisan was bom in Venice, Italy in about 1365. She moved to Paris as a child of three when her father was appointed as King Charles V's doctor. Christine de Pisan's The City of Ladies, was the first history book written about women from the point of view of a woman. In the book Christine argues that male historians had given a distorted picture of the role played by women in history. The book attempted to redress the balance by providing a positive view of women's achievements.
Pisan's next book, Three Virtues, gave advice on how women could improve their situation. Christine wrote several other books including a book on military law and a biography of King Charles V. Her final work was a poem celebrating the achievements of Joan of Arc. In the poem Christine pointed out that it was a woman who had saved the kingdom of France, "something that 5,000 men could not have done." Christine de Pisan died in about 1430.

© John Simkin, September 1997 - June 2013

Josephine Butler

Josephine Butler : Biography

Josephine Butler, the daughter of John Grey and Hannah Annett, was born on 13th April 1828. Grey was a wealthy landowner and the cousin of Earl Grey, the British Prime Minister who led the Whig administration between 1830 and 1834. Her father was a strong advocate of social reform and played a significant role in the campaign for the 1832 Reform Act and the repeal of the Corn Laws. Josephine grew up to share her father's religious and moral principles and his strong dislike of inequality and injustice.
Josephine was an attractive woman and Prince Leopold claimed that she was "considered by many people to be the most beautiful woman in the world." In 1852 Josephine married George Butler, an examiner of schools in Oxford. In the first five years of marriage Josephine had four children. In 1857 the couple moved from Oxford after George Butlerwas appointed vice-principal of Cheltenham College. George and Josephine had similar political views and during the American Civil War they encountered a great deal of hostility in Cheltenham when they expressed their support for the anti-slavery movement.
In 1863, Eva, Josephine's only daughter, fell to her death in front of her. Josephine was devastated by the death of her six year-old daughter and was never to fully recover from this family tragedy. In an attempt to cope with her grief, Josephine Butler became involved in charity work. This involved Josephine visiting the local workhouse and rescuing young prostitutes from the streets.
Josephine also began to take a keen interest in women's education. In 1867 she joined Anne Jemima Clough in establishing courses of advanced study for women. Later that year Josephine Butler was appointed president of the North of England Council for the Higher Education of Women. The following year Josephine became involved in the campaign to persuade Cambridge University to provide more opportunities for women students. This campaign resulted in the provision of lectures for women and later the establishment of Newnham College.
In 1868 Josephine Butler published her book The Education and Employment of Women. In her pamphlet, she argued for improved educational and employment opportunities for single women. The following year she wroteWomen's Work and Women's Culture, in which she argued that women should not "try to rival men since they had a different part to play in society". These views upset some feminists such as Emily Davies who wanted women to compete on the same terms as men. Butler believed that women should have the vote because they were different from men. She argued that women's special role was to protect and care for the weak and that women's suffragewas of vital importance to the morality and welfare of the nation.
In 1869 Josephine Butler began her campaign against the Contagious Diseases Act. These acts had been introduced in the 1860s in an attempt to reduce venereal disease in the armed forces. Butler objected in principal to laws that only applied to women. Under the terms of these acts, the police could arrest women they believed were prostitutes and could then insist that they had a medical examination. Butler had considerable sympathy for the plight of prostitutes who she believed had been forced into this work by low earnings and unemployment.
Josephine Butler toured the country making speeches criticizing the Contagious Diseases Acts. Butler, who was an outstanding orator, attracted large audiences to hear her explain why these laws needed to be repealed. Many people were shocked by the idea of a woman speaking in public about sexual matters. George Butler, who was now principal of Liverpool College, was severely criticised for allowing his wife to become involved in this campaign. Butler continued to support his wife in her work despite the warnings that it would damage his academic career.
Butler also became involved in the campaign against child prostitution. In 1885 Butler joined together with Florence Booth of the Salvation Army and W. T. Stead, the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, to expose what had become known as the white slave traffic. The group used the case of Eliza Armstrong, a thirteen year-old daughter of a chimney-sweep, who was bought for £5 by a woman working for a London brothel. As a result of the publicity that the Armstrong case generated, Parliament passed the Criminal Law Amendment Act that raised the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen.
After the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act in 1886, Josephine spent her time nursing her sick husband. After his death in 1890, Josephine wrote Recollections of George Butler (1892) and Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade (1896). In her last few years of her life, Josephine became a supporter of the National Union of Suffrage Societies. However, now in her seventies, Josephine was too old to take a prominent role in the movement's activities.
Josephine Butler died on 30th December 1906.

Féministe tant qu'il le faudra ... parce que ....

Parce que ce beau-père qui "se soulage" dans la bouche et le vagin de petites fille,

 se pense en droit de le faire à cause de la pornographie,
parce que des intellectuels lui disent que se soulager fait partie de la nature masculine,
 et qu'il y a des femmes faites pour cela, des putes, dès le plus jeune âge,

 parce que des hommes comme lui pensent pouvoir agir en toute impunité parce que les mères n'ont pas les moyens - financiers, relations sociales, idéologie - de se défendre,

 parce que des idéologues insinuent que les enfants le veulent bien,

parce que les lois sur le divorce et la garde empêchent les mères de protéger leurs enfants,
 parce que des hommes disent encore qu'il est normal que le père soit le protecteur et chef de famille, donc insoupçonnable, et la mère dans sa dépendance,

parce que ces causes réelles sont niées pour faire du comportement de cet homme un probleme médical alors qu'il est social et idéologique,

parce que ces idées reposant sur l'orgueil des hommes qui veut garder l'avantage de leur force, sur la vanité, c'est à dire la bassesse, qui les autorise à se laisser aller à satisfaire leur envie d'être reconnus comme infaillibles, leur envie d'avoir le pouvoir, les encourage à satisfaire leurs autres envies aux dépens des plus faibles : un vice en entraine un autre,

c'est pour toutes ces raisons que nous serons Féministes, tant qu'il le faudra ...
ce n'est que lorsqu'une organisation prenant réellement en compte les besoins de tout-e-s, comme le demandent les féministes, et assurant réellement des sauvegardes contre les abus de pouvoir des hommes, que ces horreurs deviendront l'exception marginale, ce qu'elles sont loin d'être aujourd'hui !

"Je ne suis pas Marc Dutroux, je voulais juste me soulager"

Par: Loïc Struys 
25/02/14 - 15h22
C'est au cours d'une séance dans une "clinique du doudou" - qui permet aux enfants de s'exprimer par l'intermédiaire de leur peluche favorite - qu'une éducatrice a recueilli les confidences de l'enfant abusé. (Illustration) © photo news.
Une affaire de moeurs est actuellement jugée au tribunal correctionnel de Charleroi. Trois fillettes auraient été abusées par leur beau-père. Les justifications de ce dernier laissent perplexe.
L'affaire en cours au tribunal correctionnel de Charleroi confronte Jean C. aux représentants de ses trois belles-filles. Comme le relate RTL-Tvi, l'accusé aurait abusé de la plus jeune depuis 2007, alors qu'elle avait à peine deux ans et demi. 

L'enfant avait avoué les faits en 2013 à une éducatrice d'un centre spécialisé de Pont-de-Loup, précisant que ses deux soeurs avaient subi le même sort; l'aînée ne dira avoir été que victime d'attentats à la pudeur. Leur beau-père a avoué ce mardi les fellations et des pénétrations digitales sur les deux plus jeunes et une relation "complète" avec la cadette.

Face à la dangerosité, l'absence d'empathie et le haut risque de récidive,
la substitut Dutrifoy a réclamé une peine de six ans de prison. Elle s'appuie notamment sur les propos du prévenu qui aurait déclaré aux enquêteurs "ne pas être un pédophile comme Marc Dutroux, mais qu'il voulait simplement se soulager". 

Le conseil de Jean C, Me Poisson, a, quant à lui, réclamé une peine de prison avec un sursis probatoire et la prescription d'un traitement médical empêchant toute récidive. Jugement le 11 mars.

Militantes (féministes) (juives) contre la pornographie et la pédophilie et la fausse "libération sexuelle"

face aux calomnies délirantes antisémites qui reprennent une des obsessions de Hitler et les militants musulmans contre les juifs, voilà la réalité ...


Lire cet extrait d'un livre de Dworkin sur la fausse libération sexuelle ...



Organisations internationales... Malka Marcovich par 40ansdemouvement
Organisations internationales... Malka Marcovich par 40ansdemouvement